
From the Chief Human Resources Officer – Mr Sidney Rajanayagam

It is wonderful that the school year has begun, and our students are able to enjoy learning experiences in relative normality.

I know that wearing masks can be very uncomfortable at times – but it seems that the ‘mask mandate’ is here for the time being and we should be comforted by the fact that wearing masks seems to reduce the spread of COVID-19 when it appears in our community.

There are other tasks that can seem gratuitous, cumbersome and seemingly unimportant when a class of young people are ready to learn lessons that may shape them for their lives.

However, the central premise remains: we aim to provide safety for our students, parents and staff in our work at ·èÂí¸èÎèÐã schools.

Christian Lifestyle Declarations – please fill out these documents and send them by email to hr@scea.wa.edu.au by 7 March 2022 so that we have a record of your regular church. It is heartening to know that we can accommodate different denominations in ·èÂí¸èÎèÐã, knowing that Jesus is at the centre of our prayers.

Child Protection Modules – these online questionnaires are at the heart of why we do everything in our schools. Please complete these by today (18 February 2022) if you have not already, and please encourage colleagues to complete theirs, too!

Vaccination Certificates – as we move into ‘booster’ territory and many of our staff are now lining up for Vaccination number 3 it is critical that you send through these certificates to hr@scea.wa.edu.au in order to be in compliance with WA laws and to be fully compliant in our workplaces across Perth.

Thanks for the work you are doing in our schools. As you will read in this edition of ·èÂí¸èÎèÐã News, many of our ‘New Staff Induction’ sessions have been limited to online ‘Teams’ interactions – not ideal when meeting people for the first time. I look forward to the time when we can get together (hopefully, mask-free!) and fellowship again.

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